
Monday, June 11, 2018

Deepen and revitalize your connection with your man, and feel fabulous!

Want to feel absolutely wonderful, peaceful and fulfilled, and desperately in love with your man? Want to give your lover unforgettable sensual experiences while you feel gorgeous, submissive, and incredibly sexy? Then welcome to the exciting world of immersive hypnotic metaphor!

Every woman has fantasized at least once about how fun it might be to feel like a sexy gorgeous bimbo. Through our powerful immersive hypnosis, you repeatedly 'become' a fabulous sensual bimbo during hypnosis. The wonderful part is that our brains then translate this sexy hypnotic metaphor that you 'lived' during hypnosis into incredible passionate feelings and exciting sensual awakenings inside you in real life. Over the course of your hypnotic training, your lover becomes irresistible to you, and you become increasingly unable to resist that amazing, sensual, sexual woman that you are awakening inside yourself. Your man will not be able to get you out of his mind, and you will gain an abiding sensual confidence and an overwhelming sense of being pleasing and fulfilled that makes you feel unbelievably happy and complete.

This powerful hypnotic session is designed exclusively for women in a deeply committed relationship. It is not only exciting and fun, it can permanently improve your sensual relationship with your man.

It's Free

Everything here: every word and every recording, is absolutely free for you to use as you wish, and it always will be. We're not selling anything. Obviously, we have a lot of expertise, but this kind of thing is not our regular business, at all. (Among other things, that means we won't ever be adding or changing anything here - we're done).

As genuine experts, we did what true experts customarily do: we noticed and envied and blatantly admired the work of other experts, and stole shamelessly (but legally!) from their freely-offered ideas and materials. Then, from that excellent foundation, we modified and adjusted, and painstakingly created a ton of original material ourselves. It was a one-time thing for us, and it turned out to work pretty well. And it's all free for you to use whenever you wish.

The only catch is that we do not guarantee a thing. You're completely on your own, OK?


For your safety and reassurance, and well before you begin your Training, you should listen to our 8-minute Introduction (Intro.mp3, just below).

The Introduction is not hypnosis. It's just a few minutes of simple honest talk, hope, and reassurance. (And, we hope, a little bit of love, too). It clearly and simply explains what you'll be doing, and why.

You'll notice that we used a pleasant professional computer voice for this Introduction, and we use the same voice in your Training. Why? Because fairly quickly, you'll find her pleasant and unobtrusive, and you'll focus on what she has to say. (And that's the point).

Listen to Intro.mp3

In a moment, we'll provide the links to download and save the two audio files you will be listening to during your Training Sessions. For now, here is how it all goes together.

Here's what to do, in four easy steps


Always begin by spending a few minutes making yourself look good. This first step is very important.


Equally importantly, then spend five minutes of serious alone time with your lover. Run your fingers through his hair, kiss him and pleasure him - show him physically how much you appreciate him.

By this time, you will be ready to be hypnotized.

Then, put on your headphones and listen to the entire session. Guys: while she is listening, sit quietly nearby her. Do NOT touch her, talk, laugh, allow noise of any kind, interrupt her in any way, NOTHING. Leave her be. She needs to know you're close by, and that you're good with it. That's all.


Immediately after you wake up, you should always spend another five or ten minutes - or longer - of additional alone time with your lover. Kiss him. Pleasure him. Show him, physically, how much you respect and appreciate him, and how much you need and love to be his good girl. That's it!

Your schedule

Hypnosis is not magic. You must put in the time for it to be effective. You have a 12-week schedule.

Week 1: We strongly recommend that you listen to "Intro+Bambi" every single day in your first Training Week. (Or at least, 5-7 times that week) And remember: making yourself look and feel good, and alone time with your lover both before and after your hypnosis session, is absolutely necessary, as well. These are all vital and interlocking parts of your hypnotic journey.

Week 2: 3-4 sessions (looking good, intimate time, hypnosis, intimate time). You can also do more sessions any time you feel tempted! And you can listen to just the "Bambi" recording from now on.
Week 3: 3-4 sessions
Week 4: 2 sessions
Weeks 5-12: 1-2 sessions per week - more if you wish, of course.

And please: give yourself absolutely every chance to truly enjoy and benefit from this very powerful and effective hypnotic training. Be serious about making every session your best one ever! Make certain that you are not disturbed during your entire session. First thing, turn off your phones. SUPER annoying to get a call or text in the middle. Each session can be a "hypnodate" for the two of you.

So try to make your sessions special. Never stint on making yourself look good, truly show your physical appreciation for your lover both before and after, and immerse yourself fully in your hypnotic training. Always do your very best to relax into the hypnotic suggestions and to obey completely.

And the most important thing of all: Show up! Commit to the recommended schedule for 12 weeks. And since he must always be at your side for you to improve (and you need to hear that loud and clear - it is no accident that we've arranged it this way), it would be irresponsible and lame for the two of you to leave a 12-week hypnotic schedule to chance. Instead, let him help you make, and hold yourselves to, definite "hypnodates" every week - at least as many as recommended for that week, if not more.


Your next step is to download and save the two audio files you will be using for your Training Sessions. You'll use Intro+Bambi.mp3 exclusively for your first Training Week, and Bambi.mp3 thereafter.

Intro+Bambi.mp3  (Use this one during your first Training Week)
Bambi.mp3 (Use this one thereafter)

Additional Information

After 12 weeks, we recommend 1-2 "booster shots" of hypnosis sessions per month. You may end up liking sessions a lot. It is common to eventually find even the thought of a session extremely arousing. You are a normal, healthy woman. Sex is beautiful and right. You should enjoy it as much as you can.

For the first full week, you should listen to the recording labeled, "Intro+Bambi.mp3." This will provide you with a brief introductory orientation to your hypnosis before your session begins. After that, listen mainly to the tape labeled simply, "Bambi.mp3."

We've already given you a lot of information, but you're not done yet!

The information on our Frequently Asked Questions page is probably going to turn out to be vital to your success. You absolutely should read and absorb every word there before you even think about beginning. And he should read every word, too.

We understand that you're a big girl now and you can do anything you want. But maybe sometimes doing what you want can include doing what's best for you?

And what's best for you right now is to read the entire Frequently Asked Questions page before the two of you try this.

If you don't go there and read it now, you're a petulant, childish girl who doesn't care about her man. And if you do read the entire Frequently Asked Questions page now, you may (or may not) be a petulant, childish girl. But you will care about your man.

About Your Man

Let us say a word about your man. In your heart, if you are completely honest about how flawed and weak that you yourself are, you know that you will never quite deserve him. And you remain all too aware of your numerous insecurities and flaws, and how often you are stupid and screw up.

Despite this, as the girl - as his girl - when you successfully keep him noticing you, desiring you, and pleased with you, you gain the peace and contentment that you crave in your depths as a woman. These are just the sexual facts of life! Earning his very male attention and approval is exciting and erotic, and makes you feel happy and complete.

And you can do it! - perhaps even more successfully, with just a little special hypno-help. So - just begin! You will be amazed at how gorgeous and sexy you feel, and how intimate and passionate your relationship can become.

With love,
Your Hypnosis Team.

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