
Monday, June 11, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe?

Yes! However, because this hypnosis is so powerful and effective, you may experience some slight disorientation as your body and mind adjust to the fabulous new 'you' that is being hypnotically awakened inside. You are going to feel sexier, more beautiful, and more confident in real life; and that can be a mite disorienting at first - but it's certainly safe!

We do have one caution, however. Your guy may never understand this (he's a guy), but not every girl you meet is going to be thrilled to see you become happier, sexier, more content, and obviously more in love with your sexy man. This was a lesson you learned (if you were extremely slow) by second-grade playground.

So: you know the drill. They don't need to know if you're becoming happier than they presently are. And some girls will get mad at you just for becoming happier in a different way than they are.

Why risk it? Keep it to yourself. Be madly, passionately, desperately, ecstatically in love with him - just very, very quietly.

Does the hypnosis ask me to do BDSM or other pornographic things?

No! A thousand times, No! There is absolutely no BDSM or other pornographic acts. In fact, there is very little explicit sex mentioned at all. The hypnosis you will experience is extremely sexy, without being in any way sexually explicit. After all, a woman's mind is by far her largest and most sensitive sexual organ! To be fair, words like "cock" and "fuck-doll" do make their appearance; but it's the overall atmosphere of sex and sexiness that your hypnosis session creates which is the thing that will get to you - very definitely.

What's the time commitment per session?

Your hypnosis session is about an hour long (68 minutes). This length is necessary to deeply immerse you in the fascinating, exciting erotic world of your hypnosis.  The first week's hypnosis includes an eight-minute introductory orientation before that. Allowing 5-10 minutes to refresh your make-up and make yourself look good, another five minutes or so for pre-hypnosis snuggle time, and 5-10 minutes for post-hypnosis alone time together, the two of you should allow about 90 minutes a day for training. And remember: your man MUST be at your side the whole time (except for applying your make-up!).

That's "a lot of time" per day, by some reckonings. Do remember, however, that your hypnosis schedule does become lighter per week, over time. For those of you who do theoretically have the time to do this, all we can do is to be honest about the time you will need to commit to your Training. Your hypnotic schedule requires you to jointly give up at least some of your TV or Internet time every day for one week, with less and less time commitment thereafter.

If it helps, we could play "I weep for thee" on the smallest violin in the world, in honor of all the TV and Internet time you'll be giving up to have some sexy fun together.

More seriously, the two of you may have to plot and scheme, not so much to get that much TV time together, but to get that much consistent, completely-alone, turn-off-the-phone, no-kids-interrupting-you, absolutely undisturbed time together (possibly followed by some extremely pleasurable you-know-what).

Yes. Life Happens. And to be trained, you must make Life completely un-happen, at least during those intense, wonderful couple of hours per week.

What's that expression? Beauty must suffer? Well, as a previously responsible citizen and no longer a teen-ager, you may not have realized just how much exquisite planning, cunning, playing hooky, deviousness, calling in favors, paying sitters, and sheer lying, goes into the awakening of that fabulous dumb sexy bimbo inside you who just wants to obey and get herself... er... taken... by her sexy man.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is our job. We are very, very good at our job. All this stuff about "hypnosis" blah blah blah that you hear about is mostly harmless, we suppose, but irrelevant. We make movies in your mind. That's our job.

It's like this: Movie-makers make movies, and you watch the movie. Nobody expects you to make the movie for yourself. An incredible amount of skill and time and talent goes into making a good movie, but as far as you're concerned, the movie happens all by itself. Same here. You follow directions, we're the experts, we make the movies in your mind. That's how it works. You don't and can't 'help' the movie appear. That's our job. You listen to the nice lady and you follow directions and as far as you're concerned, the movie happens by itself. That's how it works. That's all there is to it.

It's just a movie! It takes a lot of skill to make a good movie, but that's our job. For you to act as if you can or should somehow assume the role of geeky, earnest, nervous, diligent Junior Assistant Movie Maker and try to 'help' us make the movie, at best makes us laugh, it can not possibly do any good, and it just screws it up for you. The End.

What we want is for you to make yourself look good, enjoy five or so minutes of making out with your man, then get your popcorn (metaphorically), get a nice seat, get your man situated nicely nearby you, get ready for a great show, and just watch the movie - meaning, just enjoy getting so very blank and receptive as wave after wave of sexy sensations, thoughts, and feelings waft so very pleasurably through your empty, obedient mind, as your BFF fabulous sexy alter ego gives you a sexy make-over, as you recover wonderful, exciting parts of yourself, fall so much more in love with your lover, experience increased happiness and contentment, and simply become a very good girl for your man. That's it. That's your job. Every time. Put your headphones on and Follow her directions. Just do it. That's it. Just follow the nice lady's directions, every single session, and really - all will be well, so very well, with you and yours.

Yes, really.

We have trips and other commitments that will interfere with the 12-week schedule. Will this still work?

This is by far our most frequently-asked question. Our answer is a little complicated. Hypnotic training is much like athletic training: (semi-)permanent gains require both intensity and regularity. If you go too long without intense, regular training, you de-condition, and must re-trace your steps considerably.

So, if you've got a trip or something scheduled and the two of you can't do the next 12 Weeks in a row, our advice is still to go for it.

  • A "Training Week" is a 7-day period in which you do sessions. Training Weeks don't (exactly) have to be calendar weeks. For a Training Week to be completed, you need to get the requisite number of sessions completed over a seven-day period. That's the main thing. If "Week Two" has to start a day late because there was a family picnic over the weekend, then simply get in your required 3-4 sessions over the next 7 days, and you're done with "Week Two". See?
  • HOWEVER, if you go 5 days or longer between Training Weeks, that's bad. You will have de-conditioned, at least somewhat. And you'll have to re-condition to where you were, before you can continue your training. In that case:
    • If you're in Training Week 1, start Week 1 completely over.
    • If you're in Training Weeks 2-5, go back to Week 2 and re-start from there.
    • If the disruption in your schedule happens after Week 5, you'll have to use your judgment and your common sense. Again, this is very much like athletic training. When you're beginning training, you de-condition rapidly. But after weeks of training, you are more fit, and you'll re-condition more rapidly and easily.
    • If there's a serious disruption in your schedule after Week 5, to be on the safe side, you would re-start your personal "twelve weeks of training" beginning at Training Week 4, or even Training Week 3, especially if you haven't trained for 10 days or more. (And if the disruption in your Training is 20 days or more, you almost must re-start at Week 3 and re-condition to get back into it).
  • Keep in mind that your goal is deep, permanent enhancements in your sensual sensations, thoughts, and behaviors in real life. Giving in to your more gorgeous, more fabulous you will become extremely pleasurable over time. But you still need to regularly invite her and say Yes to her! Your Training Schedule is carefully designed to achieve that worthy goal.
  • By all means, do your very, very best to keep to your Training Schedule, no matter what, for the full twelve weeks. And also be patient with Life Happening. Don't cheat, don't make excuses. Keep making those hypnodates with each other. If you have to re-do some Training Weeks, just re-do them! Be patient with your schedules and with yourselves, and give that fabulous new you enough time and space to work her magic on you.
  • To say it one more time: Hypnotic training is much like athletic training: (semi-)permanent gains require both intensity and regularity.
  • That's how to do it right.
  • BUT... still use your judgment and your common sense. For example, if the two of you have already made it all the way to Training Week 10 before a serious disruption, you're already pretty highly conditioned by now. So maybe you'd just want to do an extra session or two for the next couple of weeks until you've completed the full twelve Training Weeks. Understandable?

Is it necessary for us to have sex after every single hypnosis?

Our SECOND-most frequently asked question! If you are in love and "something comes up" as you pleasure him after your session, the sex then can feel incredible for you. But for couples age 35 (or so)-100, our answer is more... nuanced. What we actually require is that you be physically SEXY with your man after each and every hypnotic session, for at least 5 to 10 minutes. This is absolutely crucial to reinforcing the training you are experiencing. For that matter, it is also absolutely critical for you to make yourself look good, and to have some alone time with your lover, prior to every hypnotic session.

I'm the guy. What do I do while she's in trance?

Uh, Dude - she just got herself dolled up for you and kissed you and stroked you for five solid minutes. So: Sit right there near her, and do something constructive and unobtrusive until she wakes up.

What if he wants me to do more sessions than is required for that week? And what if I want to do more?

Well - that means he's horny. So your course is clear: just take care of him, like the bimbolicious creature you are becoming. Just let your fabulousness make him unable to think about anything but sex, and then satisfy him completely. Mmmm good.

Now, about you. Many women discover that being trained to feel enraptured, obedient, and gorgeous, feels really good. Still, you're going to be a different girl now. Expect that to be mildly disorienting at times. Yes, even becoming genuinely more sensual, empowered, confident, and fulfilled has its downside! Match your current training schedule to fit how you feel. Truly, it's OK to desire intense training sometimes, and OK to just want to rest for awhile and do our barest bare minimum required.

You are beginning a hypnotic, and a real-life, journey in which you will be encountering wonderful, gorgeous parts of yourself that have been starving for 'more', and you will have all sorts of reactions to your new 'you', and to what she is seducing and enticing you towards. For one thing, you will wonder why, if you're so smart, it took you so long to feel this good. You may feel anger, wonder, resistance, surrender, amazement, ecstasy, and incredible arousal, peace, and contentment - maybe even all at once.

And that, girlfriend, is why we've placed you right by your man's side, every step of the way. So: admire him. Make him want you. Lean on him. Need him. Feel gorgeous and obedient. Love him.

With love,
Your Hypnosis Team.

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